# SQL Joins
Join tables together temporarily - pull data from different tables
Joins follow this pattern:
SELECT <column_names> # Can be * or Table.Column
FROM <left_table>
JOIN <right_table>
ON <left_table.column> = <right_table.column>; #Columns to join on
SELECT Courses.name, Teachers.name FROM Courses
-> JOIN Teachers ON Courses.teacher = Teachers.id;
# Inner Join (most common)
https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join_inner.asp (opens new window)
SELECT orders.oder_number, customers.name, customers.adsress
FROM orders
INNER JOIN customers
ON orders.customer_id = customers.id
-> joins the data from 2 seperate tables
JoiningTables MariaDB (opens new window)
Advanced Jouns - MariaDB (opens new window)
In our example, we have a table “Courses” and a table “Teachers”. If we want to have each teacher’s name and the courses they teach, this works like this:
SELECT * FROM Teachers;
| id | name | email |
| 1 | Teresa Holfeld | teresa@hamburgcodingschool.com |
| 2 | Helder Pereira | helder@hamburgcodingschool.com |
| 3 | Thomas Hedeler | thomas@hamburgcodingschool.com |
SELECT * FROM Courses;
| id | name | hours | teacher |
| 1 | Learn to Code | 24| 2|
| 2 | Git and GitHub | 6| 1|
| 3 | Databases 1 | 6| 2|
| 4 | Databases 2 | 6| 1|
| 5 | Vue.js | 24 | 3 |
SELECT Courses.name, Teachers.name FROM Courses
-> JOIN Teachers ON Courses.teacher = Teachers.id;
| name | name |
| Learn to Code | Helder Pereira |
| Git and GitHub | Teresa Holfeld |
| Databases 1 | Teresa Holfeld |
| Databases 2 | Helder Pereira |
| Vue.js | Thomas Hedeler |
FROM people
JOIN roles ON roles.id = people.role_id;
-> both must exist
FROM people
LEFT JOIN roles ON roles.id = people.role_id;
-> show even if there is no match
-> is most common
left/right - ist outer join (in other DBs). join - is inner join
w3schools -> explains joins very well
# Inner Joins, Outer Joins, and even more Joins
# Inner Joins
If you want to join two tables, but you only want to see the lines that have a match on both tables, you use an INNER JOIN.
# Outer Joins
If you want to see all values, also the ones that don’t have a match, use an OUTER JOIN.
# Left Joins
If you want to see all values from the left table, but you don’t want to see the values from the right table that don’t have a match on the left table, use LEFT JOIN.
# Right Joins
If you want to see all values from the right table, but not the values from the left table that don’t have a match on the right table, use RIGHT JOIN.